Monday 18 January 2016

Strange reactions to early retirement.

There have been some strange reactions by some following my decision to take early retirement. Won't you be bored? Excuse me? I'm not retiring from life .What are you going to do with yourself all day at home with nothing to do?  Really?  Can you afford it? How will you manage for money?. Well yes clearly we have less money coming in than when we were both working under half to be exact, however, it seems to me that money gets spent or not as the case may be.

Although I enjoyed my job recent changes meant I was spending so much time at work stressed tired and de-motivated that I found I was spending money just to alleviate all the negative emotions that came from a less than harmonious work environment. In short I was miserable and frankly less than contented.

We are fortunate enough to have no major outgoings  apart from the usual food and utilities however I was still managing to get through most of my salary each month on pretty much nothing very much. I can honestly say up to now I have not missed my salary and the returns far outweigh the extra money I have given up. I spend lots of quality time with my husband, kids and two granddaughters, I read, I knit, I bake and cook, I do more yoga and meditation. We are also extending and renovating our house with a view to letting it to hopefully travel for a year. I do not have time to be bored. I have only been retired since October 2015 but I'm having the time of my life.

The pics are taken in Klima on the Greek Island of Samos from the beach at sunset. This is where I would like to spend a lot more time and was taken in October the week after I retired. We have been to Samos three times now and although I have never been in favour of holidaying in the same place twice ( the world is a big place) I love it and we aim to go back for a month this year.


  1. I'm glad that you've found more time to be be yourself. We all lead such busy lives nowadays, it's good to see whether any changes can be made once in a while, however small.
    Cathy x

  2. I'm glad that you've found more time to be be yourself. We all lead such busy lives nowadays, it's good to see whether any changes can be made once in a while, however small.
    Cathy x

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog Cathy its still in its infancy and i'm not sure what I'm doing so I get really excited when I get a comment.

  4. I wish I could retire (very!) early! I'm ready for it right now, but that's as much because I'm miserable in my current job. I always think it's strange when people say they would be bored if they didn't go to work - there's so much to do in life (and so many things that don't cost money!) that I'd happily give up work tomorrow if I could and know I'd never suffer from boredom.

    1. Hi Louise I had become very miserable and unhappy at work although it was a job I had loved and trained a long time for it became way too stressful and unsustainable in the end so even though it was a hit financially I'm so much happier now. Could you not reduce your hours a bit to make it more bearable?

  5. Well done on taking the step to make your life happier. I've found many people don't understand but there is so much to do and see in the world and it's much happier when one isn't tired and stressed. I hope you enjoy this time. Hx

    1. Hi thanks for visiting. You are so right it was a massive financial decision in terms of pension etc mine is a lot less than if I'd carried on working but life is not all about money and by making some reductions I don't really feel any worse off financially but I'm so much happier calmer and more contented with my lot.

  6. Great new blog, Wendy. You will wonder how you ever found time to work after a while! Enjoy your new life and please do post photos of your travels. I haven't been overseas for at least 14 years so will lap up the details :)
